falling in love…

with Saleh, Omen, Kyohei, Hyewon, Pamela, Mohammed, Orkun, Tsuyoshi, just to name a recent few. Honestly, these students melt my heart like no other. Maybe there’s something special about teaching Beginner students, since they really need my nurture and care on a professional level. The way they communicate is so simple and so genuine. They’re honest about their feelings and they depend on you.
In the recent weeks, I feel my personality has been changing too- to a more free, direct, and fun-loving person. When there’s a good energy in the class (and they love my jokes), I’m not afraid to try new ways of engaging the students and new teaching  methods. I feel like I’m at a place where my teaching is really solid and it seriously feels so good!

In other words, I guess I’m also quite in love with my job. Amid the low-paying nature of my job, I do quite enjoy my workplace: the other teachers, the admin, and the setting.


dream catcher-

according to First Nations tradition, this is an object that people place in their bedroom to catch all the bad dreams. I’ve been getting this image in the recent weeks and I think maybe God’s speaking to me through it. I feel like He’s saying your dreams are important to me and I’m not letting them slip away. Even when you think they’re not happening, because of the lack of it at the moment, I don’t forget them. 

I think that’s really special, because I finally got the courage to ask my dad to help me out with an investment (for something) that I’ve been wanting to do for many years. and he said okay, I’ll pay for your down payment. 
As a matter of fact, I’m falling more in love with God.
and His ways.



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