
I still think it was so crazy how this trip turned out. Totally unexpected. Wouldn’t have had it any other way. Felt so much of Papa’s love over me.

Last night, I listened again and took notes of the prophetic words given to me…at the end, I was staring at two pages of my DNA make up basically. I felt like God was showing me, remember? this is who I created you to be. 

and I was thinking,,,wow, God is seriously so real. How the heck do these strangers even know me- my life, my heart passions, my heart cries?


LA was so much fun.

DISNEY california adventure park.
winning my Woody stuffy from my favourite race-horse game. (very symbolic!!!)
sketchy adventures with Leona, my sister: walking through Skid Row in our dresses and having a bicycle man ask us for “crystal”.
lying on the motel bed, one representing faith, the other, hope.

hanging out with CoaH fam during Leadershift.
impartation, atmosphere of faith, mind-blowing messages.
worship was amazing (for the few sessions we were able to join).
the catcher who fell….heuhehehehehuehheh.
boiling crab.
playing with the kiddies.
uber’d home to Buena Park from Pasadena. (with a coupon).

BM’s for dear Grace’s wedding!
reunion: she’s my first spiritual ma
had too much fun with the other BM’s too: they’re so much fun and so wonderful! I can see myself calling them up when I go down to LA next time.
cruising to Spanish Hillsong
doing make up in the car.
walking down the aisle to “1000 Years” instrumental (tear)
witnessing hands of pastors praying for the amazing couple at the ceremony (so very special).
PIHOP: worship + prayer ministry (on point).
yummy dinner taco.
connected with the youngin’s of Grace’s Vancouver church.

What an amazing week,,,,seriously wouldn’t have traded it for anything else!

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